Polvere di stelle, caverne accoglienti e caverne di cristallo
Un'unica teoria spiega un unico mistero del ciclo cosmico ossia come particolari stelle rosse riescano a espellere il loro materiale diventando nane bianche:
" Stars smaller than our sun and up to eight times as large die by first swelling up to being a red giant, and then shrinking to a white dwarf. There are two types of red giants, one contains lots of carbon and the the other a lot of oxygen. When the carbon-rich stars die, large clouds of carbon particles such as soot and graphite are produced. Soot and graphite are pitch-black, so when the rays from the dying star hit the soot particles they stop the light and are pushed out into space, where they are seen as gigantic dust clouds. This is a 20 year old theory which fits both the observations and the model calculations" Science Daily
Recenti studi del Department of Archaeology dell'University of Sheffield’s ci mostrano come anche i nostri antenati che abitavano le caverne nello Yorkshire sceglievano i loro alloggi secondo criteri ben precisi e per gli usi più svariati. Ciò spiega perchè l' area del Peak District rimanga ancora oggi una zona molto produttiva e popolata (di case ovviamente):
"There was a higher frequency of prehistoric usage of those caves with larger entrances and deeper passages, also of caves that were higher in altitude and caves with entrances that faced towards the east or to the west." Andrew Chamberlain
Altre caverne, questa volta di cristallo, in Messico rappresentano un grande interrogativo rispetto alla ragione umana. La loro bellezza infatti, dovuta alla attività vulcanica delle montagne di Naica, ci pone di fronte la questione se mantenerla (continuando a pomapare acqua per impedire la sommersione delle gigantesche forme di cristallo) oppure di lasciare che la natura faccia il suo corso e si rigeneri:
"The only reason humans can get into the caves today, however, is because the mining company's pumping operations keep them clear of water. If the pumping is stopped, the caves will again be submerged and the crystals will start growing again" Juan Manuel García- Ruiz
Davide De Caprio
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